Mexico Guadalupe Miramar (Medium)

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About this coffee

A delicious profile of sweet and creamy flavors with notes of berries and butterscotch. Excellent for a variety of brewing methods, including filtered drip, french press, or espresso.

Flavor Notes: Creamy, brown sugar, butterscotch, and berries 
Roast Level:  Medium
Process:   Washed
Grower: Producers from Guadalupe Miramar
Region: Guadalupe Miramar, Municipality of Santa María Yucuhiti, Oaxaca, Mexico

Altitude: 1650-1850 masl
Variety: Typica Pluma

Growing Region

This particular lot comes from families living near the town of Guadalupe Miramar who cultivate coffee on farms with just a few acres. Imagine starting at sea level in the popular Mexican beach destination of Puerto Escondido and traveling along progressively steeper and curvier roads through villages, where the local population still wear traditional indigenous clothing, eventually arriving at a lush forest intercropped with coffee, bananas, corn, beans, fruit trees, and views of the Pacific Ocean. This is the Oaxacan coffee growing region known as the zona Pluma where the Sierra Madre del Sur coastal mountain range is peppered with small coffee farms.


Wondering how much coffee to order?

Here's an estimate of how much you'll get out of each bag.

12 oz. bag ~ 20 cups (8 oz.)

2 lb. bag ~ 60 cups (8 oz.)

5 lb. bag ~ 150 cups (8 oz.)